God bless you and welcome to the website for Scriptural Study Groups, located in Central Ohio.
This website is designed primarily for the use and convenience of those who participate in Scriptural Study Groups, and therefore some sections might not be applicable to all visitors. However, we hope that the Scriptural resources will be of benefit to all who desire a deeper appreciation of the Word of God.
Scripturally Speaking
The Man of God
1 Timothy 2:5 (New International Version)For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.
The New Testament reveals much about the structure and operations of the early church. If you have read these records, perhaps you’ve been struck by the many differences between that church and the one we see today. If so, you are not alone.
The origin of many of the traditions, concepts, and practices seen in modern Christian worship is certainly not a mystery. A study of the early Christian writers reveals that these things were firmly in place within a century or two after the time of the original apostles.
So, the question is not when they were adopted, but why? And why do other earmarks of the original church, like its power, appear to be absent?