Index of Articles

Article Title Article Date
Survival of the Meek April 2024
The Most Elaborate and Successful Hoax Ever Perpetrated? January 2024
Got a Light? October 2023
Success at Any Cost July 2023
Fulfillment April 2023
An Argument Against Masking January 2023
Rivers of Blessing September 2022
Enter Now, Tread Now April 2022
As Dearly Loved Children January 2022
Our Gospel October 2021
An Eternal Now July 2021
Why Worry When You Serve God  April 2021
The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It  January 2021
Effectual Prayer October 2020
Nothing but the Truth  July 2020
Resist the Resistance  April 2020
My Gospel January 2020
Call Waiting October 2019
I Want to Live Above the World  July 2019
Remember that Song?  April 2019
The Gift that Keeps On Giving  January 2019
A Moment of Change  October 2018
The Right to Speak for God  August 2018
Abiding in Him  June 2018
The Grace that is Given to Us  April 2018
Bringing Deliverance in the Name of Jesus Christ  January 2018
Calling Upon the Name of Jesus Christ  October 2017
Planted, Fruitful, and Prospering  July 2017
Cleansing Exercise April 2017
No Brag, Just Fact  January 2017
Waking Up from a Dream  October 2016
Building, Praying, Keeping, Looking  July 2016
Kept by Jesus Christ  April 2016
Saints Alive! January 2016
Faithful and Able  October 2015
The Weak, The Strong, and The Love of God  August 2015
The Good, The Bad, and The Righteous  April 2015
No Turning Back  January 2015
God Lives Here  October 2014
Fainting, Enduring, Prospering  April 2014
Praising God January 2014
The “Super-Apostles” October 2013
A MODEST, Largely-Ignored Birth  July 2013
Burden or Benefit?  April 2013
Perceptions and Realities  January 2013
Cooperating with God’s Will  October 2012
Real Fear, Real Victory  July 2012
Christ Came to Save Sinners (Yeah, I Said It)  April 2012
What’s So Different About Christianity? Part 2  January 2012
What’s So Different About Christianity? Part 1  October 2011
What About Money?  July 2011
No Artificial Additives  April 2011
See What God Is Saying  January 2011
A Remarkably Good Plan  October 2010
I.O.U. July 2010
The New Man in the Now World  April 2010
What Jonah Knew  January 2010
Weak, Yet Strong  October 2009
The Missing Ingredient Part 2  July 2009
The Missing Ingredient Part 1  April 2009
The Right Man  January 2009
A Search Ends, a Search Begins  October 2008
Never Forsaken, Always Supplied  July 2008
Your Faith April 2008
A Very Present Help  January 2008
Experience Completeness October 2007
Walking While We’re Waiting  July 2007
The Key of Knowledge  April 2007
The God of All Grace  January 2007
Safe and Sound  October 2006
From Judgment to Redemption  July 2006
Keeping the Temple Clean  April 2006
Nothing More than Feelings  January 2006
A Light unto My Path  October 2005
A Friend in Dark Places  July 2005
He Cares for You  April 2005
Humility January 2005
Choked Hearts, Enlarged Hearts  October 2004
It’s Good for You  July 2004
Hearing, Stepping, Falling … and Standing  May 2004
More About Foolishness  April 2004
Foundations, Fairness, and Fools  March 2004
A Tale of Two Kings  February 2004
Knowing God January 2004
Interested in Life?  December 2003
Measuring and Comparing  November 2003
Reality and Vanity  October 2003